Virgin Islands Department of Labor Youth Services

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Virgin Islands Department of Labor
The Youth are our future!





The Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA) provides employment and training services to economically disadvantaged youth possessing specific barriers to employment. The ultimate goal is to prepare the youth for the workforce and ensure they have opportunities to overcoming barriers to employment. WIOA funding priorities of the American Job Center of the US Virgin Islands, housed within the Virgin Islands Department of Labor (VIDOL), include education engagement and transition to employment opportunities to explore career pathways, increasing skills, competencies, and credentials informed by industry and employers, work-based training to “earn while you learn”, opportunities to build employment readiness skills, dropout prevention and/or recovery models, and providing consistent support. The Virgin Islands Department of Labor is committed to helping to prepare youth for the workforce. This preparation may include one or more activities and/or services geared at addressing the educational and skill development of the young adult; it may also address supplemental activities such as career interest exploration, occupational aptitude, workplace preparation, leadership development, and life skills.


The Youth team provides in-house academic and career assessments for WIOA Youth to determine the services and activities needed for each young person. Individual Employment Plans or Service Strategies are developed and referrals made to the service providers linked to the program elements which can be grouped around four major themes.

Improving educational achievement (including tutoring, study skills training, and instruction leading to diploma attainment; dropout out prevention strategies, and alternative secondary school offerings), Offering services intended to develop the potential of youth as citizens and leaders (including leadership development opportunities). Preparing for and succeeding in employment (including summer employment opportunities, paid and unpaid work experience, and occupational skills training),Supporting youth (including meeting supportive services needs and providing adult mentoring, follow-up services, and comprehensive guidance and counseling).


Out-of-School Youth: A youth between the ages of sixteen(16) and twenty-four (24) who has/has not obtained their high school diploma or GED, who requires additional assistance in completing education or attaining employment.

In-School Youth:
A youth between the ages of sixteen (16) and twenty-one(21) who is attending school and requires additional assistance to completing education or attaining employment.