We offer a wide range of programs to help you. Explore some of the ways today! Our clients benefit by getting personalized, quality service that is beyond comparison. The list is by no means all-inclusive, please feel free to inquire about a service if you do not see it listed. If it is not a service we provide, we would be more than happy to refer you to a qualified professional.

The Virgin Islands Department of Labor Summer Youth Work Experience Program was designed to provide meaningful work experiences for youth within the ages of 16-24

The Labor Investing for Tomorrow (LIFT) program is a summer internship program to provide college level students with an on-the-job orientation in various professional fields.

Geared towards the interest of 14-15 year olds, our career exploration program provides the opportunity for local service providers to provide summer enrichment and occupational skill development in a myriad of different fields.

This training program should consist of a combination of life skills development and career exploration activities.
Service Provider Requirements: Applications are available for individuals, groups, and organizations interested in being a provider for this activity.

Jobs for American Graduates (JAG)
Job’s for America’s Graduates (JAG) was established to prepare high school students for life after high school, the world of work, and postsecondary success.

Workforce Innovation & Opportunity Act (WIOA)
The Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA) enacted a comprehensive youth employment program for serving eligible youth, ages 14-24, who face barriers to education, training, and employment.